Surveys conducted throughout the United States in 2023 indicate that one of the most popular—and fastest growing—cosmetic surgery procedures for men is gynecomastia surgery. At Portland’s Waldorf Center, we regularly work with male patients who have developed breast tissue or the look of breasts on their chest and want to know what can be done about it—as well as what caused the change in the first place.

Our team is always ready to help educate patients in addition to making a surgical recommendation. In the spirit of knowledge being power, here is a quick look at what can cause the condition known as gynecomastia.

The main male hormone is testosterone, which influences everything from hair growth to a deepening voice to muscle mass. In times when hormone levels throughout the body are fluctuating, off-kilter testosterone levels can lead to higher proportions of estrogen, which is the primary female hormone.

The disrupted testosterone-estrogen balance can cause numerous changes, including the development of breast tissue. Times of life when this is most likely to occur are just after birth (as estrogen from the mother continues to impact the baby boy), puberty (when all bets seem to be off, hormone-wise), and later in life (when testosterone levels begin to naturally decline).

Newborns’ and teens’ hormones tend to level out on their own, with no intervention required, so breast tissue that grows typically goes away within months or, for some people, a couple of years.

Other disruptions to the body’s hormone levels and typical processes include drug use (both medicinal and recreational), drinking alcohol, and various diseases (including cancer). Most notably, medications such as chemotherapy, muscle-building steroids, and anxiety or depression pills can all trigger breast growth.

While weight gain does not alone trigger the development of actual breast tissue, excess fat on the chest can also create the look of breasts.

Gynecomastia surgery focuses on excising the breast tissue itself for patients who can’t naturally reduce the mounds. Liposuction may also be employed for those whose breast contours are due to stubborn fat deposits.

No matter the cause, the Waldorf Center team is ready to help with answers to questions, discreet consultations, and effective surgical options for the right patient. Reach out online to contact The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery, or call the office in Portland at 503-882-01