Get Rid of Unwanted Hair This Winter

Laser hair removal at Portland, OR’s Waldorf Center can be performed all year long, but the best time for the treatment may very well be the coldest, wettest, darkest-feeling time of all: winter.

Advancements in technology have allowed for the creation of devices that deliver results to a wide variety of skin types and tones, but the greatest effect tends to come from darker hair set against lighter skin. In the summer, when you spend hours outdoors and maybe don’t apply sunscreen as often or thoroughly as you should, skin tends to darken as it tans, leading to less contrast when compared to the hair in the same area.

In winter, however, when you don’t really need much of an excuse to stay inside, your skin naturally settles into a look of higher contrast, with the darker hair standing out.

This is important because laser hair removal devices work by sending light into the follicles where hairs grow. This light heats up darker-pigmented cells at the root of the hair. The cells heat up so rapidly, in fact, that the sudden intense temperature damages the follicle.

In time, the follicle pushes out the hair it contains, then takes its time getting around to growing a new hair—if it ever does at all. While laser hair removal is not often referred to specifically as “permanent,” it can provide long-lasting results. Even if new hairs grow in, they can be expected to appear finer and thinner—and thereby less noticeable. You can also return for maintenance treatments, which are much fewer and farther between than any shaving or waxing appointments you may otherwise need to schedule.

Another benefit of laser hair removal in the winter comes after the session, when the light-treated skin is especially sensitive and prone to damage from ultraviolet radiation. Again, staying indoors is a much easier and socially accepted prospect when it’s raining or freezing or otherwise unpleasant. Post-treatment healing time is not that long, but it’s still ideal to be able to avoid the sun without having to make excuses.

For more answers to questions about laser hair removal—no matter the time of year—call The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery office in Portland and Vancouver at 503-882-0124 or reach out online.

Can CoolSculpting® Help You Keep Your Resolutions?

With a new year comes new resolutions, and one of the most popular resolutions of all time is losing weight. People everywhere tend to see the start of a fresh 12-month cycle as an opportunity to make meaningful change—and what can be more meaningful than improving one’s health (and appearance, while you’re at it)? While some patients with a weight-loss goal ask about CoolSculpting®, Portland, OR’s Waldorf Center team is quick to note that the nonsurgical treatment is not in any way intended to be a weight loss strategy.

That said, the cosmetic fat-reduction device can still be helpful when it comes to keeping that health-focused resolution. How? Read on to learn more.

Our brains are hardwired to take visual feedback. When we set out to accomplish a task, such as cleaning up a cluttered room, we check in as we go—and what we see impacts our outlook. If we notice that we’re making a visible difference, we can be inspired to keep working with renewed vigor. However, if we’ve been at it for hours and look around to see that our efforts don’t seem to have made much of a difference, we can get discouraged and lose momentum.

Our bodies are no different. When we set a goal of losing weight, a visual confirmation that our hard work is paying off can be a highly motivating factor. On the other hand, weeks or months or nibbling salads and getting up early to exercise can feel futile if our shape doesn’t change much in the mirror. Someone. May even see that the number on the scale is getting smaller, but if a stubborn belly continues to bulge out, discouragement can derail the efforts.

That’s where CoolSculpting® comes in.

Even though the fat-freezing treatment does not directly improve, it can generate cosmetic results that look great. When someone trying to lose weight sees slimmer contours, the observation can create a positive feedback loop. In other words, a visible change can help the body and brain to confirm that the efforts are succeeding, making it easier to keep up with them for the long haul.

Want to learn more about what’s possible? Call The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery office in Portland at 503-882-0124 or reach out online—and while you’re at it, get ready for our New Year’s Glow Gala, an open house event scheduled for Jan. 15, 2025, from 5 to 7 p.m.! Guests will be able to meet our plastic surgeons and other providers, enjoy appetizers and sweet treats, sip, mocktails, and more. If you’re one of the first 10 people to join us, you’ll get a free Waldorf Swag Bag! There’s also a chance to win a raffle for a year’s worth of BOTOX® plus a filler treatment session (with a $5,000 value), a body sculpting treatment with CoolSculpting® (a $6,000 value), and a collection of Waldorf Skin Solutions products, TNS Advanced, and HydraFacial or microneedling (a $1,300 value). The drawings for the raffle will be at 6 p.m., and you must be present to win! The event supports breast cancer research, and you can learn more here.

Why Do Some Men Develop Breasts from Gynecomastia?

Surveys conducted throughout the United States in 2023 indicate that one of the most popular—and fastest growing—cosmetic surgery procedures for men is gynecomastia surgery. At Portland’s Waldorf Center, we regularly work with male patients who have developed breast tissue or the look of breasts on their chest and want to know what can be done about it—as well as what caused the change in the first place.

Our team is always ready to help educate patients in addition to making a surgical recommendation. In the spirit of knowledge being power, here is a quick look at what can cause the condition known as gynecomastia.

The main male hormone is testosterone, which influences everything from hair growth to a deepening voice to muscle mass. In times when hormone levels throughout the body are fluctuating, off-kilter testosterone levels can lead to higher proportions of estrogen, which is the primary female hormone.

The disrupted testosterone-estrogen balance can cause numerous changes, including the development of breast tissue. Times of life when this is most likely to occur are just after birth (as estrogen from the mother continues to impact the baby boy), puberty (when all bets seem to be off, hormone-wise), and later in life (when testosterone levels begin to naturally decline).

Newborns’ and teens’ hormones tend to level out on their own, with no intervention required, so breast tissue that grows typically goes away within months or, for some people, a couple of years.

Other disruptions to the body’s hormone levels and typical processes include drug use (both medicinal and recreational), drinking alcohol, and various diseases (including cancer). Most notably, medications such as chemotherapy, muscle-building steroids, and anxiety or depression pills can all trigger breast growth.

While weight gain does not alone trigger the development of actual breast tissue, excess fat on the chest can also create the look of breasts.

Gynecomastia surgery focuses on excising the breast tissue itself for patients who can’t naturally reduce the mounds. Liposuction may also be employed for those whose breast contours are due to stubborn fat deposits.

No matter the cause, the Waldorf Center team is ready to help with answers to questions, discreet consultations, and effective surgical options for the right patient. Reach out online to contact The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery, or call the office in Portland at 503-882-01

How Does Laser Light Impact the Skin?

Patients seeking treatments at The Wadorf Center naturally want results—but they also benefit from education as to how the treatments work to deliver those results. This is especially true of lasers for skin at our Portland-based practice, offering Sciton® HALO™ for patients who want nonsurgical skin rejuvenation with true customization.

Many people are most familiar with the way sunlight interacts with their skin, having experienced sunburns as a child, teen, or adult. Laser light can also make a noticeable physical impact, but in a much more focused—and beneficial—way.
Thanks to modern technological developments, there are two primary ways lasers impact the skin. Treatments tend to be divided into either ablative or non-ablative categories.

Ablative treatments involve the laser light rapidly heating water molecules to the point that they burst into steam, taking the surrounding tissue—and visible imperfections—with them. This process is known as vaporization.

Non-ablative treatments send the laser light through the surface of the skin, leaving everything intact. Once in the deeper layers, the light causes tissues to heat up and contract, resulting in a tightening effect. This energy can also target pigmented cells, as well as prompt more youthful cells to push their way to the surface, giving the treatment area an overall younger-looking appearance.
By using the Sciton® HALO™ device, The Waldorf Center team is able to create incredibly customized treatments for patients. Anyone who wants more dramatic results and is not as concerned about post-treatment down time can choose an ablative session. If you prefer more subtle results and would like a milder post-treatment recovery, non-ablative is the way to go. Intensities can be combined in unique ways to allow for further patient customization, whether that means ablative or non-ablative treatments on their own or some combination of approaches.

To learn more about how lasers and intense pulsed light devices work, contact The Waldorf Center. Reach out online or call 360.896.6000 to arrange a consultation. Come ready with your questions, and we will provide the answers—and a skin-rejuvenating laser session.

How Does Pregnancy and Beyond Impact the Body?

There are many patients who seek out a Mommy Makeover out our Portland-based Waldorf Center. Since the body-contouring strategy is not a single procedure, but a customizable suite of strategies chosen for each unique patient, the approach to restoring a pre-baby look is especially popular.

That said, what exactly happens to a pregnant person’s body (and after) that would prompt someone to choose a Mommy Makeover?

The Belly

Most obviously, a growing baby causes skin on the abdomen to stretch. As the baby gets larger, it needs more room—and while the process may feel like it takes forever to the one actually carrying the baby, it actually happens quite rapidly when you consider that you’re building a whole person! Because the growth is so fast, the skin often can’t keep up. Thus, stretch marks form, and the abdominal skin as a whole can have trouble “snapping back” after the baby is out. This can give the belly a deflated look, or even cause the development of a “pooch.”

A growing baby can also cause the abdominal muscles to separate, making them less effective at holding the contents of the abdomen back and resulting in more of a bulge.

A tummy tuck can address both of these issues by repairing the muscles and removing excess, stretched-out skin.

The belly is also a common area for stubborn fat deposits to remain, even after the baby is born. This is because hormone fluctuations that happen throughout pregnancy and beyond cause the body to store more fat, which can help with production of breast milk.

Liposuction, which is surgical fat removal, can remove large fat cells from the belly area and elsewhere.

The Breasts

In anticipation of breastfeeding a newborn baby, a pregnant person’s breasts begin to create milk-producing tissue and grow in volume. This can cause the breasts to increase in size by a cup or two, though the specifics are different for everyone.

In addition to the volume change, the nipples and areolas may darken. Also, much like the rapidly growing belly, skin that can’t keep up with the change can develop stretch marks.

After the baby is born and breastfeeding is completed—if it happens at all—the breasts will “deflate” again, losing their milk-producing capabilities and shrinking in size. This can lead to sagging due to the skin having been stretched out. A breast lift is ideal for elevating the breasts back to a higher position on the chest, as well as repositioning nipples that have begun to point downward.

Breasts do not always go back to their original size, either. They may remain overly large (which can be addressed with a reduction), become smaller than before (which can be addressed with an augmentation), or be obviously asymmetrical (which can be addressed in a number of ways).

The Vaginal Area

Not everyone is comfortable talking about this very intimate area, but the realities of childbirth are that the process can cause the labia to change size and shape, as well as prompt other changes. Labiaplasty is a possibility at The Waldorf Center, as are nonsurgical treatments to improve feminine wellness.

Ready to see what a Mommy Makeover at The Waldorf Center could do for you? Reach out online or call our Portland office at 1.800.310.7901.

What Are the Main Types of Plastic Surgery Available at The Waldorf Center?

The Waldorf Center philosophy is that no two patients are the same, which is why Dr. Kathleen Waldorf, Dr. Rachel Streu, and Dr. Heidi Johng offer a wide range of plastic surgery options at the Portland-based practice. Some people want to address aging-related changes to their face, while others prefer to focus on their body contours and silhouette.

Considering plastic surgery for yourself? Here is a basic overview of the main options available at The Waldorf Center.

Breast Surgery

The most popular plastic surgery procedures in the country—and at our practice—are breast augmentations, which increase the size of the breasts and alter the chest’s shape and proportions. Other breast-related options include lifts to elevate sagging breasts higher on the chest, reductions to take away volume and provide relief from strain, and revisions to alter the results of prior augmentation surgeries. Gynecomastia surgery is also available to reduce breast tissue that men may develop, in order to sculpt a more traditionally masculine-looking chest.

Body Surgery

Surgical fat reduction, known as liposuction, remains a popular procedure for its versatility, since it can be used all over the body, from a bulging belly to a double chin. It can also be part of other procedures, including a tummy tuck to flatten the belly. Other body contouring options include arm lifts, lower body lifts, and thigh lifts, all of which tighten lax skin for a slimmer and sleeker appearance. Many of these procedures can be combined into a Mommy Makeover, intended for patients who have had a baby in the past and would like to regain their pre-pregnancy contours.

Face Surgery

Sagging tissue on the face can create an aged appearance, which is why many procedures focus on tightening lax tissue, including facelifts, brow lifts, blepharoplasties for the eyelids. Other face surgery options include rhinoplasty to adjust the size, shape, and proportions of the nose, ear surgery to accomplish the same changes for the ears, fat grafting to add natural volume where needed to create a more youthful look, and cheek or chin augmentation to give these features more definition and prominence.

Another category of surgery options—reconstructive surgery—focuses on helping patients to restore the form and function of various features that have been damaged by trauma, surgery, or other problems. Breast reconstruction, cleft lip and palate repair, and closing of post-skin cancer surgery defects all fall under the reconstructive umbrella.

Want to know more about the surgery options available at The Waldorf Center? Contact our team to ask about what we can do to help you achieve the look you are seeking!

CoolSculpting FAQs: 10 Questions Everyone Asks

If you're considering CoolSculpting® in Portland to get rid of stubborn fat, you're not alone. This innovative treatment remains popular for its ability to target areas resistant to diet and exercise. However, many potential patients have questions before taking the plunge. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of the top 10 most frequently asked questions about CoolSculpting®.

1. What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells. The procedure targets specific areas of the body where stubborn fat tends to accumulate, such as the abdomen, thighs, and love handles.

2. How Does CoolSculpting® Work?

The science behind CoolSculpting® is known as cryolipolysis. During the treatment, applicators are placed on the skin to deliver precise cooling. This process freezes fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue. Over time, your body naturally processes and gets rid of the dead fat cells.

3. Is CoolSculpting® Safe?

Yes, CoolSculpting® is FDA-approved and considered safe for reducing fat in targeted areas. The procedure has undergone extensive clinical testing and is performed by trained professionals. While some side effects like redness, swelling, or bruising may occur, they are generally mild and temporary.

4. Who Is a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting®?

Ideal candidates are those who are close to their ideal body weight but have localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. CoolSculpting® is not a weight-loss solution, but a body contouring treatment to help you achieve a more sculpted appearance.

5. How Long Does a CoolSculpting® Session Take?

Each CoolSculpting® session typically lasts between 35 to 60 minutes, depending on the treatment area. Some patients opt for multiple sessions to achieve their desired results.

6. When Will I See Results?

Results are not instantaneous. Most patients start to see changes as soon as three weeks after treatment, with the most dramatic results appearing after two months. Your body will continue to process the dead fat cells for up to six months post-treatment.

7. Is There Any Downtime?

One of the major benefits of CoolSculpting® is that it requires no downtime. You can return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure. Some patients experience mild side effects such as tingling, redness, or numbness, but these usually resolve quickly.

8. How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments varies from person to person. During your consultation, your provider will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. Some patients achieve their desired results after just one session, while others may require additional treatments.

9. Are the Results Permanent?

Yes, the fat cells flushed out during CoolSculpting® are removed from the body. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to prevent the remaining fat cells from expanding.

10. How Much Does CoolSculpting® Cost?

The cost of CoolSculpting® varies depending on the treatment area and the number of sessions required. It's best to consult with us directly to get a personalized quote based on your individual needs.

Ready to Sculpt Your Body?

If you're considering CoolSculpting® in Portland, look no further than The Waldorf Center. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care and expertise. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward achieving the body you’ve always dreamed of.

Achieving Body Contouring Goals: The Role of Liposuction

Liposuction remains a popular treatment as a highly effective method for achieving body contouring goals, especially in Portland where cutting-edge cosmetic solutions are in high demand. Renowned for its ability to sculpt and refine the body by removing excess fat, liposuction in Portland stands out not just for the procedure itself, but for the skilled hands that perform it at The Waldorf Center.

Defining Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body, offering improved contours and proportions. This includes the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck. The process involves the use of a hollow instrument known as a cannula, which is inserted under the skin to vacuum loosened fat cells away.

Benefits of Liposuction:

While primarily seen as a procedure to enhance body shape, it's important to dispel the myth that liposuction is a shortcut to weight loss. Rather, it's a sculpting tool best suited for those near their ideal body weight. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon is essential in understanding the aesthetic benefits and realistic outcomes of liposuction.

Liposuction in Portland

The city of Portland is recognized for its excellence in cosmetic procedures, with liposuction being no exception. Here, experienced plastic surgeons like Dr. Kathleen Waldorf and Dr. Rachel Streu offer customized liposuction treatments, understanding that each body is unique.

Considerations Before Undergoing Liposuction

Choosing to undergo liposuction is a decision that requires thoughtful consideration. Candidates should be in good health, have firm and elastic skin, and possess realistic expectations about the potential outcomes. Understanding the risks and the recovery process is also crucial, which is why a detailed consultation with a plastic surgeon cannot be overlooked. We emphasize informed decision-making at The Waldorf Center, which is home to countless success stories of individuals who turned to liposuction as a tool to enhance their body contour and, by extension, their confidence. These testimonials underscore not just the physical benefits of the procedure, but its emotional and psychological impact as well.

Liposuction in Portland continues to redefine body contouring excellence, blending artistry with precision for transformative results. Whether you're seeking to refine your silhouette or boost your self-esteem, liposuction can be a tailored solution to meet your goals. Ready to explore how liposuction can enhance your physique? Contact The Waldorf Center at 503.646.0101 to discover more about our services or to schedule a consultation. Embark on your journey to a more confident you today.

Sag No More: 10 Revolutionary Skin Tightening Techniques to Revitalize Your Look!

Skin tightening at Portland’s Waldorf Center remains a go-to treatment for anyone seeking to maintain a beautifully youthful appearance. From innovative technology-driven procedures to natural home remedies, the Pacific Northwest is at a forefront of discovering and adopting revolutionary skin tightening techniques. If you're looking to revitalize your look and bid farewell to sagging skin, here are 10 groundbreaking methods that might just bring back that youthful bounce.

1. RF Therapy

Radiofrequency (RF) therapy heats the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production. This non-invasive treatment tightens loose skin, improves contours, and enhances skin texture with minimal downtime.

2. Ultherapy

Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy to target areas beneath the skin, promoting collagen growth. Ideal for lifting the brow, chin, neck, and improving decolletage lines, this method offers a non-surgical solution with lasting results.

3. Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing revitalizes skin by removing the outer layer and heating the underlying skin. This dual action encourages the growth of new collagen fibers, yielding firmer, smoother skin.

4. Thread Lift

A minimally invasive procedure, the thread lift uses medical-grade thread material to "stitch-up" your skin, making it tighter and more lifted. This method is particularly effective for the face and neck areas.

5. Microneedling

By creating micro-injuries in the skin, microneedling stimulates the body's natural healing process and collagen production. It's an excellent option for tightening skin and improving texture and tone.

6.  Plasma Fibroblast Therapy

This innovative method uses plasma to create tiny arcs of microcurrents on the skin, targeting fibroblasts. The result? Dramatic improvements in skin tightness and elasticity.

7.  Cryolipolysis

Better known as “fat freezing,” cryolipolysis is a non-invasive method for reducing fat deposits that can cause the skin to sag. While primarily a fat-reduction technique, it indirectly aids in skin tightening.

8. Natural Remedies

Aloe vera gel, egg white masks, and cucumber slices are among the natural remedies known for their skin-tightening properties. They’re perfect for individuals looking for a holistic approach.

9.  High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

HIFU is another non-invasive therapy that uses ultrasound to tighten and lift the skin. It’s particularly effective for facial contouring and neck lifting.

10.   Topical Retinoids

Products containing retinoids can improve skin texture and firmness. Regular use encourages cellular turnover and collagen synthesis, helping to tighten the skin over time.

Revitalizing your look with advanced skin tightening techniques has never been more accessible. Of course, for anyone seeking dramatic and long-lasting results, there’s always plastic surgery as well!

For anyone in the Portland area seeking skilled guidance on what approach would be best, The Waldorf Center offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet your individual needs. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with the latest in skin tightening innovations. Contact us today to explore how we can help you say goodbye to saggy skin and hello to a revitalized, youthful appearance.

Elevate Your Fitness Goals with CoolTone®

Portland's fitness enthusiasts are always looking for the next advancement to support their wellness journeys, bringing CoolTone® in Portland into the spotlight. Imagine enhancing your hard-earned gym results with a safe and technologically advanced treatment that gives your muscles that extra definition and toning. CoolTone®, brought to you by the makers of fat-reducing CoolSculpting®, is a breakthrough body contouring treatment designed to supplement your fitness routine for stunning, visible results.

Magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) technology penetrates beneath the skin's surface to target muscle layers, inducing involuntary muscle contractions. These contractions are more powerful than what most can achieve through exercise alone. With this state-of-the-art treatment, patients experience an intensified version of a workout without any significant effort.

However, CoolTone® is more than just about looks. It’s about the feeling of strength and vitality you carry throughout your day. Undergoing this treatment can also support your gym efforts, potentially improving balance, posture, and overall muscle health. Many active individuals and athletes in Portland choose CoolTone® to give them that competitive edge and promote muscle recovery.

The procedure is non-invasive, with no surgery or anesthesia required, and each session lasts approximately 30 minutes. You can easily fit a CoolTone® appointment into your lunch break, after which you can return to your daily activities right away. Moreover, it doesn't involve significant downtime or discomfort, making it a perfect fit for a bustling lifestyle in Portland.

Why is CoolTone® the talk of the town? It's because individuals are noting improvements in muscle tone and firmness in areas like the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs post-treatment. Though results vary for everyone, many users report seeing a positive change within a couple of weeks following treatment, having completed a series of sessions.

At The Waldorf Center, our team of professionals stands ready to assist you in taking your physical conditioning to the next level with CoolTone®. If you're striving for that extra definition or seeking to boost your fitness results, reach out to us. We are committed to helping you understand how CoolTone® could complement your wellness endeavors.

Don’t just dream about superior muscle tone and definition. Make it a reality with CoolTone. ContactThe Waldorf Center today to schedule your consultation, and let us be a part of your journey towards enhanced body confidence and strength.