What’s the Best Diet for Plastic Surgery Recovery?

In addition to quitting smoking, cutting back on or avoiding alcohol, and stopping taking certain types of supplements, carefully choosing what you eat before and after cosmetic surgery can also have a major effect on your recovery. This is because your body needs good nutrition to be able to heal quickly and fight off infections—not to mention improve your emotional state. Eating the right foods in the months and years following a plastic surgery procedure is also important if you want to maintain your ideal results. The best thing you can do before surgery is re-evaluate your typical diet and cut out processed foods, as you’ll be getting most of your vitamins and minerals from foods instead of supplements. Keep in mind, however, that there’s no single, perfect diet that’s best for every patient.

Since patients often experience a lack of appetite and nausea after surgery, it’s better to stick to bland foods at first and gradually introduce other foods once they can be tolerated. If you want to ensure a smooth recovery after having surgical fat reduction in Portland, for example, here’s what our Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team recommends:

  • Eat lean protein such as chicken, pork, turkey, or seafood, or choose vegetarian sources such as nuts, tofu, and beans. We need protein to help rebuild skin and tissue.
  • Select unprocessed, “whole” foods that are more nutritious.
  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt, fat, and chemical additives.
  • Choose water-rich foods, as they help to minimize bloating, get rid of toxins from the body, and improve digestion.
  • Include probiotics and prebiotics in your diet to support the immune system.
  • Get plenty of fiber in your diet from plant-based foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and cereal, since the digestive system often slows down as a side effect of the anesthesia.
  • Follow a meal plan and prep your meals in advance for your convenience, as you’re likely to be feeling weak and tired for several weeks and won’t be able to do much physical activity right after a procedure.

Find out more about the benefits of having surgical fat reduction from Portland’s Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery—and determine whether you would be a good candidate. Call us at 503-646-0101, or fill out a contact form to schedule an appointment.

What’s the Difference Between Tummy Tucks and Liposuction?

So you’ve decided that you want to get rid of that excess (and stubborn) fat around the belly area. You’ve tried before, but didn’t see great results, maybe because of hormones, the effects of pregnancy, or genetics. Since there are several different procedures available to address a less-than-ideal abdomen, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Many people mistakenly assume that a tummy tuck will work just as well as liposuction for flattening the abdominal area. However, although the goal behind both procedures is to create a smaller, more aesthetically pleasing midsection, the surgeries are completely different. The most suitable form of plastic surgery for you depends on what your goals are, as well as your individual anatomy. Here’s a basic summary of the differences and similarities between liposuction and tummy tuck surgery at our Portland-based Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery.

What Are They Used for?

Tummy tucks and liposuction can be performed on their own as standalone procedures or used in combination with each other. Tummy tucks primarily involve surgically removing excess skin and can include repairing separated core muscles. Liposuction is strictly a fat reduction procedure that involves removing below-the-skin fat with a thin tube that’s inserted into tiny incisions in the skin. Liposuction can also be used on surrounding, transition areas that you can’t improve with a tummy tuck, including the flanks, lower back, hips, outer thighs, and other areas.

What Are the Results?

For both procedures, the results are lasting. Fat cells to not “regenerate” after they are removed, and skin and muscles tend to stay tightened—unless future weight gain, a pregnancy, or something similar physically alters them once again. The recovery after liposuction is often shorter and less complicated when compared to tummy tuck. Since there are longer incisions involved in a tummy tuck, it can leave more noticeable scars, though the plastic surgeon will work to position them in areas where they can be easily concealed, even by underwear and swimsuits.

Who is a Good Candidate?

In order to be eligible for either surgery, patients should ideally be physically healthy, non-smokers, and maintain realistic expectations of their results. Liposuction patients should be within 30 percent of their goal body weight, and also have a firm skin and muscle tone.

Learn all about liposuction and tummy tuck surgery from the Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team. If you’re ready to tighten and sculpt your abdominal area with these procedures, call our office at 503-646-0101 or fill out a contact form to request a private consultation.

How to Get Natural-Looking Lip Injections

Lip fillers from our Portland-based injectors can do a lot for your look, from adding volume to evening out asymmetrical lips, from enhancing lip shape to smoothing wrinkles on and around the mouth—and even restoring lips that have lost their overall definition so that they have a more youthful appearance.

Fillers are very versatile and popular, which is probably where there are so many photos and critiques of people who have obviously enhanced pouts. A focus on “duck lips” may lead some people to be concerned about going overboard and ending up with overly large, “fake-looking” results. Even if you want bigger lips, most of us don’t want the overexaggerated “trout pout” lips that made headlines when celebrities sport them.

If this is something that concerns you when you’re having injections, here’s what you can do to ensure that your fillers look as subtle and believable as possible.

Be Clear About Your Goals

During your consultation, it’s best to be upfront about what kind of look you want to get. Everyone’s goals are unique. Some people want to add dramatic volume, while others prefer to simply sharpen definition, and so on. If you want a serious boost, go for it! But if you want very subtle results, that’s OK, too. Either way, be sure to clearly let your injector know.

Choose the Right Injector

Lip injections are not about chance. Experienced and well-trained injectors know how much filler to administer, and where, and how, in order to give you the look you are seeking. When you have a consultation, ask your injector about their qualifications. Everyone on the Waldorf Center team will be happy to share their background and experience to ensure you feel comfortable that you are working with the right person.

On the injector side, we work to be sure that we:

Use the Appropriate Amount of Filler

Most injectors err on the side of caution when it comes to applying filler. We start off by applying a small amount that’s right for the size of your natural lips. Using too much filler is often what gives you “duck lips.”

Get the Right Ratio

There are certain proportions between the upper and lower lips that look more natural than others. For example, many people consider a 1:1 ratio between the sides of the upper lip and lower lip to be ideal.

Place Filler in the Correct Areas

Getting natural-looking filler requires a certain degree of artistry. Injectors should aim to preserve the natural structure of the lips while enhancing them. Our injectors get to know the unique structure of your lips, which will naturally vary in thickness on the upper and lower lips, then add filler into specific spots that create the best possible look.

If you want lip injections that don’t look “too done,” contact us at the Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery. Call us today at 503-646-0101, or fill out a contact form to request an appointment.

Can BOTOX® Prevent You from Getting Wrinkles?

Wondering why your skin is wrinkling? Many of the lines and creases we get on our face occur in areas where there is a tendency for frequent and repetitive movement, such as around the eyes. Intrinsic aging isn’t the primary cause of happy-face grooves like crow’s feet and stress lines such as glabellar lines and forehead wrinkles. Instead, these creases form due to your skin bunching up and stretching due to the underlying facial muscle contractions required to make expressions. It’s impossible to avoid all facial movements—and you wouldn’t want to stop smiling, frowning, or communicating other emotions—but patients often use injectables to temporarily relax the overworked muscles that contribute to wrinkles. Wrinkle relaxers from our Portland-based team will still allow you to freely make expressions by moving untreated areas of the face, but will also reduce the severity of wrinkles in targeted areas to give you a more energized and youthful look.

One of the questions we often get from patients is, “What’s the best age to start getting wrinkle-reducing injections?” Plenty of patients, and especially those in their 20s and 30s, are starting to use preventative BOTOX® as a technique to prevent premature aging.

Unlike standard muscle-relaxing injections that are performed to reduce existing wrinkles, preventative BOTOX® is used to stop the earliest signs of faint lines on a resting face from becoming prominent, visible wrinkles. Some physicians also believe that preventative treatments can stop additional wrinkles from forming. The idea is to keep wrinkle-making muscles relaxed before they have a chance to start creating noticeable lines. The approach is proactive rather than reactive, which can also result in patients needing fewer injections as they get older, since their muscles will have gotten used to not contracting as much.

Patients who have very expressive faces may be good candidates for preventative treatments. Remember, though, that BOTOX® shouldn’t be overuse, and it’s vital for younger patients to also maintain good skincare practices such as sun protection, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, eating a healthy diet, and keeping skin hydrated. Another critically important factor is choosing an experienced and professional provider who will make honest recommendations and perform any treatments with skill to safely maximize the cosmetic benefit.

Want to enjoy healthier, more youthful-looking skin? Contact us at Portland’s Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery by calling 503-646-0101 or filling out a contact form to request a consultation.

What’s Involved in Aftercare for Lip Injections?

Facial fillers are an effective treatment, but the results are temporary, and the added volume is eventually absorbed by the body. The speed at which the results “wear off,” however, depends greatly on the area of the face where they are injected. Fillers tend to have a shorter lifespan in regions that are more mobile. Since the muscles around your mouth are constantly contracting while you’re talking, breathing, chewing, laughing, smiling, and so on, the lips are one of the areas where fillers unfortunately tend to metabolize the fastest. Though you will need to have a new round of injections after several months have passed if you want to preserve the look fillers give you, there are techniques that patients can use to make the effects of lip injections last for longer than they would otherwise. Here are some tips on how to care for your face after lip fillers from our Portland-area practice:

  • During the first few hours after lip injections, keep icing the area to reduce the swelling and bruising.
  • Don’t engage in intense exercise for the first day or two, as it could cause the swelling and bruising to worsen.
  • Stay out of high temperature environments like saunas and steam rooms for at least 48 hours.
  • You can admire your reflection in the mirror all you want after lip fillers, but avoid touching them too much for the first few weeks. Placing too much firm pressure or massaging the skin could “jostle” the fillers and cause them to dissolve faster. This also means you’ll need to avoid any facials or other deep-cleansing cosmetic procedures, as well as try to avoid pressing your face against your pillow when sleeping.
  • Don’t smoke, and avoid exposure to smoke after you’ve had lip injections, as it could increase your risk of infection.
  • Continue to avoid alcohol (which acts as a blood thinner) along with other blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medications for a while to stop the bruising—as long as it is medically OK for you to do so.

Want to learn more about maintaining plump, shapely lips with fillers? For more tips on how to care for your lips after having lip injections, contact us at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery. Call 503-882-0124, or complete a contact form to request a consultation, and we will help you start planning your injection plan.

How Does CoolSculpting® Elite Compare with CoolSculpting®?

Summer is on its way, and as anyone who is building their ideal beach body knows, there’s nothing worse than the feeling of having resistant body fat in certain areas. This is fat that never seems to budge no matter how many workouts you do or how much weight you lose overall. If you feel like you’re running out of time and it’s still impossible for you to get the physique you want, there are cosmetic treatments that can help. Liposuction is one option, but patients who don’t want surgery can choose non-invasive fat-freezing instead. Along with the standard CoolSculpting® procedures, there’s now a new, advanced body contouring technology available: CoolSculpting® Elite. Our Portland-based Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team recommends this leading-edge technique for patients who want to shed more fat in less time, without having to plan for recovery after a more involved procedure.

So how does the classic treatment compare to the new technology?

CoolSculpting® Legacy

CoolSculpting® removes “pinchable” subcutaneous fat from several common problem areas on the body, including the submental (under chin) region, male chest, arms, abdomen, flanks (where love handles develop), the “bra roll” area (front and back), under the buttocks (banana rolls), inner thighs, and outer thighs. The treatment works by freezing fat cells so that the body can gradually break them down.

CoolSculpting® Elite

Much like standard CoolSculpting®, Elite reduces fat in a single treatment area by 20 to 25 percent. It can be used on the same areas as traditional CoolSculpting®. Both treatments are non-invasive and require virtually no downtime. The main advantage of CoolSculpting® Elite is that you can treat twice the amount of resistant fat in the same 35-minute cycle.

The machine is designed with C-shaped applicators and covers up to 18 percent more surface area. It has dual applicators that are used to treat different areas at the same time, so you can freeze a larger amount of fat with faster results. The new system is also quieter than the traditional CoolSculpting® Legacy machine, meaning that it’s easier for patients to relax and take a nap, check their emails, or watch movies while they’re waiting. It’s more comfortable for patients, the cooling effect is enhanced, and there’s a lower risk of side effects.

Ready to start body contouring treatments this spring? We can advise you on everything you need to know about fat freezing procedures. Find out more about what CoolSculpting® Elite is like at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery by calling us at 503-882-0124. You can also complete a contact form to request a consultation.

How Do You Prevent Lipstick Bleed?

Sure, it’s always fun to flaunt a bold new color, but maintaining carefully applied lipstick that stays within the borders of your lips at all times is challenging, especially when you’re constantly pulling on or off face masks whenever you leave your home. We use our lips a lot throughout the day: when eating, expressing emotions, or conversing with others. The thin skin on the lips also tends to get very chapped during the winter, regardless of how many times we re-apply lipsticks, glosses, and liners. It can be embarrassing when lipstick smudges on your teeth or gets into the fine lines and wrinkles that surround your mouth area. Genetics, smoking, the repetitive action of pursing the lips when smiling and frowning, sun damage, and dehydration are some of the most common causes behind these wrinkles. Luckily, lip fillers from our Portland cosmetic team can literally fill in these lines. There are also other treatments and practices you can use to prevent the bleeding, smudging, and feathering from occurring. Here are three we recommend considering:

  • Dermal Fillers

For lipstick lines that occur due to sun damage, collagen breakdown, and genetics, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers may be the best way of re-volumizing thinning skin to make these lines less noticeable. Juvederm Volbella® is a thin, lightweight dermal filler that adds subtle fullness while also giving the lips a slightly poutier appearance.

  • BOTOX® Cosmetic

Neuromodulators that relax the muscles around the lips work well for perioral wrinkles that result from repeated muscle contractions made when smoking or pursing the lips, such as when sucking from a straw. They give the skin a smoother, more youthful look.

  • Laser Treatments

Laser resurfacing treatments like the Sciton® Halo reduce pronounced wrinkles around the mouth area by stimulating cell turnover and collagen generation.

Want to make lipstick bleeding a thing of the past? Contact our team about having lip injections at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery. For more advice on fillers and what the treatment involves, call us at 503-882-0124, or complete a contact form to request a consultation.

When Can I Go Back to Work After a Nose Job?

One of the biggest challenges for people who are thinking of having plastic surgery is taking the time away from their busy schedules to recover afterward, especially for more invasive treatments that require a longer recovery time. Despite progressive policies and promises of flexible schedules, the reality is that workplaces can make it difficult to take time away. This causes many people to put off having the procedure they really want. However, since the lockdowns began, plastic surgeons have had a larger number of requests from patients seeking surgical procedures. The reasons are simple: More people are now working remotely from their homes, giving them the opportunity to take downtime in privacy instead of being around others. Also, we’re all wearing masks when we go out, so it it’s easy to hide bruises and other signs of plastic surgery. Add to that the fact that most social commitments have been put on hold. Still, if you’re curious about when you’ll be physically go back to the office or feel more normal again after a nose job in Portland, continue reading for a basic timeline of what to expect during recovery:

Within one to two weeks following the rhinoplasty, the majority of patients are ready to return to work. By this time, there will be no noticeable signs of sutures or scarring. However, the exact recovery timeline varies from person to person. If you have a job that requires your physical presence, you might need a longer time for recovery, and it’s best to talk about this with the surgeon.

For the first few weeks of recovery, patients will have swelling, discomfort, and some bleeding. It takes time for your body to fully recuperate after having plastic surgery, but there are some steps you can take to reduce side effects and heal at a faster rate. Follow your doctor’s advice even if some of the instructions don’t seem to apply to you, attend your follow-up appointments, manage pain with prescribed medications, keep your head elevated, avoid strenuous physical exercise, and incorporate light activity like walking.

Planning your nose surgery in Portland? Find out more about what the recovery process entails after a rhinoplasty from The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery. Discuss details with one of our surgeons by calling us at 503-882-0124, or complete a contact form to schedule a consultation if you’re interested in meeting with us.

Is Juvéderm Volbella® the Right Lip Injection for Me?

Having naturally thin lips, or lips that have thinned due to aging, can be a struggle for some people due to a constant feeling of being self-conscious. When you have less surface area to work with, putting on lipstick in just the right way to enhance your lips can be a challenge, as can preventing it from bleeding into any small lines on or around the lips, if you have them. If you’re tired of constantly having to over-line your lips and purchase every lip-plumping serum or shiny gloss you can get your hands on, there’s a solution: lip injections. Just remember when you’re choosing them that not all lip fillers work the same way. Some are designed for adding a noticeable amount of volume, while others are more subtle. If you’re hoping for a very natural look from lip injections, our Portland-based injectors at The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery provide Juvéderm Volbella® XC. This highly popular filler was the 2020 NewBeauty award winner for best filler for plumper lips. Continue reading for a basic outline of how Volbella® XC works.

Juvéderm Volbella® XC contains hyaluronic acid (HA), a synthetic version of the natural substance the body uses for pulling in and retaining water to keep the skin and other tissues hydrated. Hyaluronic acid fillers tend to provide results that are more natural-looking than other filler types. Volbella® XC is a much lighter, thinner filler compared to many others, and was originally FDA-approved for lip augmentation and correcting perioral wrinkles in 2016.

Your injector will introduce Volbella® XC into a superficial part of the lips to give them a slightly fuller appearance without looking or feeling overdone. This filler can also be useful for re-defining the outline of the lips. Volbella® is usually the preferred choice for both older patients with pronounced lip wrinkles and for younger patients with smaller lips.

Want to get started on planning your lip injections from The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team? For further information on how Juvéderm Volbella® XC works, call us at 503-882-0124 or submit a contact form to find out more about the benefits of surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Juvéderm®: How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?

Each dermal filler does something unique. Some are designed simply to reduce the depth of static wrinkles on the face, such as nasolabial folds, while others can strategically add volume to improve your facial contours and individual features, like the lips. Pouty, pillowy lips seem to always be in fashion, but sometimes you might need something extra to get the full look you’re after. It’s an unfortunate fact that as we get older, our lips naturally contain less fat and collagen while also holding onto less moisture. This is why many people complain of thinning or wrinkled lips that have lost their shape. Other people may have always had thinner or slightly asymmetrical lips since they were young, due to genetics. No matter the reason, if you’re hoping to add subtle fullness, soften fine lines, or alter the shape of your lips, our Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery team believes that Juvéderm Volbella® XC is Portland patients’ best option for achieving their desired results.

One of the most frequently asked questions patients usually have for us when getting fillers is how long the results of their lip injections will last and whether their lips will look normal again after they get fillers done.

Some people who have lip fillers prefer having the option of returning to their previous look if they choose to, which is always an option with hyaluronic acid fillers, like Juvéderm®, which can be dissolved with a special injection. On the other hand, you might not want to have to rush back for more fillers to maintain a full-lipped look—and the COVID pandemic taught us that there are times when you may not be able to even see your injector when you want or need to.

The truth is that there’s no definite timeline for when the results of lip fillers will fade. It all depends on what type of filler you have, how much you use, your unique metabolism, and other factors.

Generally, you can expect fillers to last anywhere from six months to three years. Juvéderm® contains hyaluronic acid that is eventually metabolized and absorbed by the body. The lips gradually get smaller and then go back to their normal appearance. Volbella® XC is known to last about 12 months without the need for touch-ups.

Get to know more about lip fillers from The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery. Want to restore plumper, more luscious lips? Call us at 503-882-0124, or complete a contact form to request a consultation.