Are your breasts keeping you from the life you want to live? Many women with overly large breasts feel limited in what they can do and what they can wear. They may experience daily pain and discomfort along with self-consciousness and embarrassment. In fact, Modern Family’s Ariel Winter recently talked to the media about the pain she lived with before getting breast reduction surgery.
If you’re thinking about breast reduction, you’re probably seeking more information. This guide will answer frequently asked questions about the procedure, but we’re also happy to answer any additional ones you may have during your consultation.
What Is Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction surgery—also called reduction mammoplasty—is a procedure to reshape and resize disproportionately large breasts. This surgery can relieve many of the problems associated with large breasts, including pain and rashes. During the surgery, fatty and glandular tissue is removed along with excess skin. The breasts are then reshaped and re-positioned for a lifted, more attractive appearance. If needed, the areolas can also be resized and re-positioned.
Will My Insurance Cover Breast Reduction?
Many insurance companies cover a portion of breast reduction surgery for patients who meet specific requirements. We can help you determine if this applies to you during your consultation.
Will I Have Scarring After Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction surgery does involve incisions on the breasts, usually around the areola and vertically down the lower portion of the breast. In time, however, these scars will typically fade significantly. You should see the scars soften, flatten, and fade after about a year. Dr. Waldorf does her best to minimize scarring and maintain as much nipple sensation as possible.
What’s Recovery Like After Breast Reduction?
You will need some time to recover after breast reduction surgery. Most women take 1-2 weeks off from work, and resume normal activity about 4 weeks post-surgery. We will provide pain medication to increase your comfort. Patients wear a compression bra for several weeks to promote healing and reduce swelling. During your recovery, we will meet with you often to assess your progress and address any concerns you may have.
Will I Love My Breasts After Breast Reduction?
We always do our best to ensure that you are happy with your breasts after breast reduction. This procedure has a very high patient satisfaction rating. Most women would do the procedure again and love their new, smaller breasts.
Call and schedule your breast reduction consultation today.